Inspection & Maintenance

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To drive your truck more safely with lower costs, regular inspection and worn-part replacement are necessary. Our highly skilled and specially trained technicians in our extensive network of service centers across 160+ countries are ready to address your service needs with the highest-grade quality and reliability. We assure your vehicles will be maintained in excellent working, profit-generating condition.
To ensure maximum performance, safety and health of your vehicle, conduct the following regular inspections and maintenance, including legal inspection and manufacturer-designated items, based on the owner’s handbook and/or service booklet provided with your vehicle.
How and when to inspect and service your vehicle for daily inspections (pre-operational) and oil/lubricants are written in the owner’s handbook, summarized as inspection procedures. When the workshop is to conduct the maintenance, please consult with an MFTBC-authorized service center, present the owner’s handbook and/or service booklet for the workshop to record the maintenance condition. This record must be filled in and certified by the MFTBC-authorized service center. In the case that any other documents/records than “Periodical Inspection Record” are used, always keep them together with the owner’s handbook and/or service booklet.
Please utilize the below record sheets included in the owner’s handbook and/or service booklet to record the inspection and maintenance results.
Inspection and maintenance are important to maintain your vehicle in the best condition. Keeping all updated results, including any minor inspection and maintenance performed by you, enables appropriate maintenance and management.
The owner of the truck is fully responsible for proper inspection and maintenance. The owner’s handbook and/or service booklet is for this purpose. When inspection and maintenance are performed, results must be recorded in the owner’s handbook and/or service booklet which is to be used as a lifetime logbook of the vehicle.
MFTBC reserves the right to void any warranty if the periodical inspection designated by MFTBC is not carried out according to the MFTBC guideline.
Periodical Inspection & Maintenance Record
Record actual conditions of periodical inspection and maintenance including manufacturer designated inspection items.
Periodical Inspection Record
Record results of new vehicle inspection and periodical inspection in addition to outline of maintenance.
Any Other Maintenance Record
Record replacements of oils/elements, etc. and actual condition of extraordinary maintenance.
When inspection and maintenance are performed, results must be recorded in the owner’s handbook and/or service booklet which is to be used as a lifetime logbook of the vehicle.
Inspection Record of Severe Conditions (if applicable)
Record actual conditions at the time of use under severe conditions.